#Top Tip 1 – The Lion
Your Client: Starts the buying process
Due to your Lion clients being very sociable, they will understand the reasons for a new purchase (to benefit others) and who requires to be involved. They would be good at delegation or persuading others during the buying process to end with the desired outcome.
Unlikely to be concerned with the facts – just want an efficient result.
Regarding a buying decision: The Lion are the clients to build rapport with, Know, Like, and Trust (KLT) will serve you well when corresponding with Lions during the buying decision process. They understand a need for your service or products but will not be fooled by gimmicks and cliches. Lion’s will; buy from the Lions!
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#Top Tip 2 – The Chameleon
Your Client: The employees who use your service/product
Your Chameleon client understands from all angels how your service/product will provide a return of investment for them/team/department. This client will likely also be the influencer or closely connected with them – where they will work together to achieve their outcomes for a buying decision. You will need to be prepared to persuade two potential decision makers (User and Influencer) and building relationships with both is vital.
Likely to want to know all the benefits and features of your service or product. Testimonials and case studies will be good resources to win the User over.
Regarding a buying decision: The Chameleon does not have an urgent need and may change their buying thoughts many times during the purchase process. Certainly, nurture the Chameleon but do not go in for the hard sale, the Chameleon wants plenty of time to decide on proceeding. The Chameleon’s would be the amber or red on a traffic lights system.
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#Top Tip 3 – The Shark
Your Client: Final decision on the purchase or your service/product
Your shark client will react to their gut emotion. They would have needed to be convinced by you/other decision makers during the buying process to proceed. If their ‘buy-in’ was strong, usually a quick decision will follow.
Likely to be focused on the outcome your service/product provides – a demonstration would be an ideal way to close the deal with the decider.
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Regarding a buying decision: The Shark will make an urgent and emotional buying decision to proceed with you or not, as there is a need for your service/product – you need to be swift in your prospecting techniques and follow-up to convert a shark. The Sharks are your money maker, do also consider the volume and value of a long-term relationship when proceeding with a shark.
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Jamie works with companies globally to enhance the employee’s B2B selling capabilities for generating and converting prospects. Jamie also improves the sales process and strategy to increase your gross sales by winning and retaining clients.
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Jamie Martin BSc (Hons), PGCert (Managing Director & Founder)
Correct Careers Coaching – An award-winning Modern Sales Training and Sales Strategy Business.
Jamie@correctcareerscoaching.com and 07599 332178